The Moderns

‘The Moderns’ exhibition featured the Gallery’s most popular pieces of Modern Australian Art, and was the first time some artworks had left the Gallery since their arrival. The suite included a room brochure, primary and secondary school activity booklet, invitations and posters for the regional galleries. It can be a challenge to make older artworks appear fresh and new, especially for young visitors. The use of bold colours including a dark base colour, gave the artworks a fresh, dynamic background, allowing them to exist outside their gilded frames.


  • Concept development
  • Layout design
  • Managing image colour correction
  • Liaising with printers
  • Pre-press
  • Production management

‘The Moderns’, gatefold Room Brochure.

‘The Moderns’, cover, gatefold, Primary Student Resource.

‘The Moderns’, cover, gatefold, Secondary Student Resource.

‘The Moderns’, inside, Primary and Secondary Student Resources.

‘The Moderns’, promotional DL, two image options.

‘The Moderns’, promotional posters, two image options.