Gordon Hookey’s Kangaroo Crew

Kangaroo Crew was a Children’s Art Centre exhibition focusing on The Sacred Hill, a children’s story book written and illustrated by Gordon Hookey, an Indigenous Australian Artist. The story is about four kangaroos who are forced from their homes by the arrival of the myna birds, the kangaroos realise they must work together to return to their home on ‘the sacred hill’.

One of the activities was colouring in and assembling a cardboard mask with four options, one per kangaroo, that could be worn around the space. Each mask was required to have a three-dimensional element to it, this was challenging, as there were many restrictions to the design. The number of pieces required had to be kept to a minimum; each mask had to look different, yet remain similar in construction; and the construction had to be easy enough for small children (or their parents) to complete. These problems were eventually solved with extensive research and multiple user tests.

As part of the exhibition there was a arcade-style game that was developed around the kangaroos and their unique habitats. On each level the user was represented by a different kangaroo in their habitat, and was always pursued by the myna birds.

My task was to illustrate backgrounds and additional assets for the game. The arcade-style required the elements to be designed as pixel art, which was fun but also challenging for complicated backgrounds or elements. These assets were also used on the physical game cabinet and placed above them, on a large wall graphic, to enhance the feeling of a gaming arcade. Play the game online.


  • Concept development
  • Sourcing and testing activity materials
  • Design and development of kangaroo masks
  • Liaising with printers
  • Providing linework for a wood cutting machine
  • Design iteration as the result of user testing masks
  • Collaborating with artist to realise his vision
  • Liaising with the exhibitions team, designing exhibition elements and providing technical drawings for install
  • User interface design
  • Illustrating additional game assets and backgrounds
  • Collaborating with the web team and animators
  • Exhibition signage development
  • Managing production and install

Visitors at ‘Gordon Hookey: Kangaroo Crew’, Children’s Art Centre, GOMA.

Kangaroo Crew exhibition title wall.

‘Gordon Hookey: Kangaroo Crew’, Children’s Art Centre, GOMA, installation view.

Long view of the exhibition space.

‘Gordon Hookey: Kangaroo Crew’, Children’s Art Centre, GOMA, installation view.

‘Make a Roo’ mask collection station.

‘Gordon Hookey: Kangaroo Crew’, Children’s Art Centre, GOMA.

Two young visitors try on their completed masks.

‘Gordon Hookey: Kangaroo Crew’, Children’s Art Centre, GOMA, installation view.

Kangarcade wallpaper and arcade game machines.

‘Gordon Hookey: Kangaroo Crew’, Children’s Art Centre, GOMA, installation view.

Visitors enjoying ‘Gordon Hookey: Kangaroo Crew’, Children’s Art Centre, GOMA.

Children playing in the corridor, next to the artists original paintings of the Sacred Hill story.

Screen designs from the Kangaroo Crew interactive game.

Photography courtesy QAGOMA